130911(1) - 身披「神衣水手服」單挑學生會四天王、動畫《キルラキル》(Kill la Kill)預定10/3開播、完整聲優陣容公開! (Photo credit: ccsx)
I received my copy of volume 1 of the DVD of Kill La Kill in the mail yesterday from Right Stuf! so of course my anime watching plans for the evening immediately changed. After my usual gym workout I took a shower at home then dried off, put on PJs, and popped the disc into my PS3. I'd actually seen the first 2 episodes of Kill La Kill in the original Japanese on Crunchyroll, mainly to investigate at least a little what all the hype was about. It was pretty cool to watch these same episodes again only now in English dub. I will confess to being slightly disappointed by the choice made for Lady Satsuki, at least initially. I was expecting a deeper, more mature voice. But I got used to her over the four episodes. The one I had the greatest reservation about was Christine Marie Cabanos for Mako. Let me put all worries aside--she's PERFECT in this role. I think having watched Christine be zany as Squid Girl and Minorin (Toradora!) helped cement my acceptance of her as Mako. As for Ryuko Matoi, I have no complaints. She's got a gruff, determined voice and I accept her English VA without reservation.
The episodes are action packed and more than a little bonkers. It has the same "pumped up" feeling of Gurren Lagann, and may even be superior to Gurren Lagann in the long run. I look forward to buying and watching the next volume of Kill La Kill.