The main characters of Blue Exorcist Clockwise from center front: Rin, Yukio, Konekomaru, Shura, Izumo, Suguro, Mephisto, Renzo and Shiemi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I'm currently following 2 series on Toonami, namely Blue Exorcist which I first began watching dubbed on Neon Alley before Neon Alley went to sh*t. I'm still DVRing the episodes and keeping up that way. The other show I'm also keeping track of on my DVR is of course Attack on Titan. I have the first part of the first season on Pre-order from FUNimation via Amazon, along with Evangelion 3.0, I might add. Both series feature Bryce Papenbrook in the lead role as the main protagonist; Rin, son of Satan for Blue Exorcist and Eren Jaeger for Attack on Titan. I record them every Saturday night then watch them off the DVR the next night most of the time. I'm really enjoying both shows very much. Both shows are also currently streaming on Netflix, but in their sub-only original versions at this time. I assume they're also still on Crunchyroll but it's been awhile since I last checked. I prefer to watch these shows dubbed, but it's nice to know I can always rely on the sub-only version to get caught up if by some off chance my DVR fails to record the epsiode one Saturday night.
I'm looking forward to collecting Attack on Titan on physical media (DVD/Blu-Ray Combo) but will probably pass on Blue Exorcist in physical format, unless VIZ drastically reduces its price to a range where I'd consider it. My favorite episode of Blue Exorcist is where the main female love interest/protagonist, voiced by Christine Marie Cabanos (Madoka Magica, Squid Girl), finally trades in her yukata for a regular Academy school uniform and all the guys notice that DAY-UM, she's actually quite busty and curvy in the hips/legs and looks great in her uniform shirt and really short skirts. ;-)
Anyway, I'm glad these shows are on Toonami, along with Black Lagoon. I hope they serve as a "gateway drug" to turn some non-anime casual fans into actual Anime fans.